Thursday, 15 October 2015

PDF⋙ The Ruby Ring: Tyndale's Battle for an English Bible by Karen Rees

The Ruby Ring: Tyndale's Battle for an English Bible by Karen Rees

The Ruby Ring: Tyndale's Battle for an English Bible

The Ruby Ring: Tyndale's Battle for an English Bible by Karen Rees PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

2014 National Indie Excellence Award Finalist. THE BATTLE BEGINS The year is 1524. William Tyndale makes the fateful decision to produce an English Testament without Church permission. He knows that a vernacular scripture will free the common people from spiritual domination by a corrupt and ignorant Church. If Tyndale is caught, he'll die at the stake. So will anyone found assisting him. Owen Alton, a London grocer's heir, catches Tyndale's vision. But if he helps Tyndale, he'll be disinherited and lose Jane Horne, the minor-knight's stepdaughter he loves. Jane has defied her family in her desire to wed Owen. If he now should leave her for Tyndale.... As if she didn't have enough troubles, Jane discovers the shocking secret behind her mother's ruby ring.

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